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Hobart Youth Soccer Club



The purpose of the juggling club is to provide a fun and creative way to have Hobart Soccer Club players become more technical & goal oriented. Players will be recognized for their hard work with recognition on the Hobart Soccer Club Facebook page and  with a t-shirt.

Why Juggle?

Juggling is a way for players to become comfortable and creative with the soccer ball which transitions into game play in the following areas:
 - First touch, receiving the ball from different heights, speeds and angles
 - Dribbling, becoming proficient with multiple surfaces at speed
 - Running with the ball, making timed touches on the run
 - Balance, adjusting and creating a balanced stance
 - Self-confidence, excelling at juggling creates confidence with the ball 

Rules: Take a quick video of your juggles and submit it our Facebook page. Once uploaded, notify the Hobart Soccer Club.  All records must be consecutive, NO BOUNCES. When reporting your juggles include: your full name, phone number, and the exact number of juggles. All records must be reported by your parents.

15 Juggles – Facebook Post and Juggling Club T-Shirt
50 Juggles – Patch for Juggling Club T-Shirt
100 Juggles – Trophy
250 Juggles – Name on Concession Stand "Wall of Jugglers"

The most important and effective way to achieving your juggling goals is to PRACTICE ON YOUR OWN. GOOD LUCK!!!
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